Suzuki "Zuki" Regina P. [Dot Matrix Girl] is a musician, peformer, glitch artist, and game developer. Legend says that she was born humming. At two years of age, she found patterns on the piano, and continued to experiment and learn piano from there. She picked up other instruments along the way, inluding theremin, accordion, guitar, autoharp, organ, and harp. Eventually she discovered trackers for making music on computer, and now Zuki mainly makes electronic music.
Her self titled album "Dot Matrix Girl" is available for streaming on spotify and most other platforms. She's also released many albums on bandcamp, mostly under her former artist name "Ravancloak". Zuki has played Theremin, Game Boys, Atari 2600, and PSP at venues.
In addition to writing and performing music, she is a practiced artist. Zuki's favorite art medium is ink and watercolor, with pixels and glitch art close behind. She makes games using the free open source software OHRRPGCE. Her most popular, "Shroud House", is playable and downloadable on itch. As of the end of 2024 A.D., Her current project is "Dream Adventure". She is writing, coding, pixeling, and composing for this project, in addition to writing a short story based on the game.
Her free time between writing music or drawing is filled by playing various games or spending time with friends. She enjoys Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Dragon Quest, Mother/Earthbound, and Digimon Story.
Contact: dotmatrixgirl at gmail dot com